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Foods ; 12(10)2023 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37238756


The cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. contains considerable amounts of protein, iron, and calcium that could mitigate the problems of anemia and malnutrition in humans. However, the nutritional value of the edible species Nostoc sphaericum Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault, which grows in the Moquegua region, is unknown. Descriptive research was developed, and samples were obtained from the community of Aruntaya, located in the region of Moquegua. Water samples were taken at two different points (spring and reservoir), and samples of the cyanobacteria were taken in the reservoir. The design used was completely randomized, with three repetitions. Sixteen characteristics associated with the water collected at two points were evaluated, and from the nutritional point of view, seven characteristics were evaluated in the collected algae. The physicochemical characteristics were determined using methods established in the Codex Alimentarius. For the morphological characterization at the macroscopic level, it was observed that the seaweed collected was spherical in shape, grayish-green in color, soft to the touch, and palatable. After carrying out the physicochemical and morphological characterization of the collected samples, it was verified that all were of N. sphaericum. When comparing the sixteen characteristics related to water at the two collection sites, highly significant differences (p < 0.01) were observed for most of the variables evaluated. The average data of the characteristics of the algae showed protein values of 28.18 ± 0.33%, carbohydrates of 62.07 ± 0.69%, fat of 0.71 ± 0.02%, fiber of 0.91 ± 0.02%, ash of 7.68 ± 0.10%, and moisture of 0.22 ± 0.01%. Likewise, calcium reported an average value of 377.80 ± 1.43 mg/100 g and iron of 4.76 ± 0.08 mg/100 g. High correlations (positive and negative) were obtained by evaluating seven characteristics associated with the reservoir water where the algae grew in relation to eight nutritional characteristics of the algae. In relation to the nutritional value, the amounts of protein, iron, and calcium exceed the main foods of daily intake. Therefore, it could be considered a nutritious food to combat anemia and malnutrition.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(7)2022 Apr 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35405918


The trophic relationships of pelagic fishes with migratory traits such as the South Pacific Bonito, Sarda chiliensis chiliensis (Cuvier, 1832), have not been studied in depth in the past. The objective of the present research was to analyze the feeding habits of South Pacific Bonito by sex and to analyze a comparison between summer and autumn months in three different areas of the eastern South Pacific by applying different techniques used in trophic biology. Between December 2013 and June 2014, specimens were captured in the areas of Pozo de Lisas (Ilo, Peru), La Capilla (Arica, Chile) and Chanavayita (Iquique, Chile). The feeding dynamics and trophic composition of the diet were analyzed, as well as the feeding strategy and trophic relationships. A total of 1404 specimens were analyzed, of which 654 had stomach contents. Seven prey items were identified: (a) fish remains; (b) squid jaw remains; (c) squid gladius remains; (d) caudal fin remains; (e) Engraulis rigens; (f) Pleuroncodes monodon and (g) N/A (not determined). The Pozo de Lisas and La Capilla areas showed homogeneity in their prey items, while the Chanavayita area showed more diversity. Regarding the importance of prey items in the diet of S. chiliensis in the three localities, it would be correct to state that it is a generalist species.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(12)2021 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34944321


Several species of the planktonic free-living genus Oithona have been successfully used in the larviculture of marine fish and shrimp. However, few studies have been published that allow us to estimate the potential of Oithona nana culture under controlled conditions. This work evaluated the effect of the microalgae Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros calcitrans as single (200,000 cells/mL) and mixed diets (100,000 + 100,000 cells/mL) on population and individual growth, ingestion rate, number of spawnings, fertility, development time by stage, and sex ratio of O. nana. We cultured this copepod at 28 ± 0.5 °C, 35 PSU salinity, 125 lux, and 12:12 photoperiod. Results showed that diet had no effect on the final population level (6273-7966 ind/L) or on individual growth, nor on sex ratio, with less males than females. With C. calcitrans, O. nana had a higher filtration rate (57 ng C/ind/day). On the other hand, a mixed diet induced a higher number of spawns (0.4 events/day) and nauplii per spawn (23 ind). Similarly, a single or mixed diet, containing I. galbana, accelerated the development rate by 6.33-7.00 days. We concluded that O. nana can be cultured with both microalgae, indicating its potential use in an intensive system for production. However, more research is required to improve the productivity of O. nana rearing.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(1)2021 Dec 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35011130


The wild population of South Pacific bonito Sarda chiliensis chiliensis, which has a wide distribution in northern Chile, is considered of importance in Chilean aquaculture. The biological feasibility of cultivation of any marine species begins with the establishment of an initial broodstock population to obtain eggs, larvae, and juveniles. In this work, 22 South Pacific bonito fishing campaigns were carried out in Pisagua, Chile, between spring in November 2011 and the summer in January 2012. At least 74 specimens were obtained of which 24 survived the capture and transport processes. Fish were stocked in a recirculating land-based aquaculture system, and at 14 months under captivity, fish began spawning. Eggs were collected, to describe some stages of development, and were placed in incubators at 20 °C and on the third-day eggs hatched. Larvae reached a total length between 1.435 and 1.7 mm, which were accurately characterized during their first morphological changes. This is the first work that describes the capture, transport, and acclimatization in captivity of a breeding population of wild Pacific bonito in Chile.

Int. j. morphol ; 31(3): 873-878, set. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-694970


Las óptimas condiciones de cultivo en el manejo de reproductores de Psetta maxima permiten obtener una mejor cantidad y calidad de huevos así como larvas viables con una mayor producción. Para evaluar las óptimas condiciones se utilizaron ejemplares mantenidos en condiciones de cultivo acondicionados desde los 3 hasta los 24 meses de vida, para así llegar a conformar un stock de reproductores. Al final de la experiencia, los huevos en los estanques experimentales se presentaron circulares y transparentes, al igual que las larvas recién eclosionadas que se hallaban rectas y muy bien pigmentadas, signos de buena calidad de huevos y larvas. Los cambios en la relación macho-hembra y densidad, fueron las variables a evaluar, llegando a obtener resultados satisfactorios por periodo productivo de las hembras y una mejor calidad y cantidad de huevos y larvas viables, en un periodo de cuatro años. Las mortalidades de reproductores en el periodo desove y post-desove bajaron significativamente. Estadísticamente no existe una diferencia significativa entre los estanques experimentales y controles. Desde el tercer año, la producción de huevos y larvas en los estanques experimentales mostró un incremento cercano al 90 por ciento en huevos y a un 60 por ciento en larvas. En los dos últimos años el porcentaje de larvas cosechadas en estos estanques, mostró un incremento del 7 por ciento al 12 por ciento en larvas sembradas y una disminución del 9 por ciento al 13 por ciento en larvas eliminadas, principalmente en el estanque 4.

The optimal culture conditions in broodstock management of Psetta maxima allow obtaining better quantity and quality of eggs and viable larvae, increasing the production. In order to evaluate the optimal conditions the specimens kept under culture conditions were used, in a period of 3-24 months of life, thus forming a broodstock stock. At the end of the experiment, the eggs in the experimental tanks resulted circular and transparent, as well as newly hatched larvae that were straight and well pigmented, signs of a good quality of eggs and larvae. Changes in the male-female and density ratio were the assessed variables, reaching satisfactory results per productive period of females and better quality and quantity of eggs and viable larvae during the period of four years. The mortality rate of broodstock in spawning and post-spawning period decreased significantly. Statistically there were no significant difference between experimental and control tanks. From the third year, egg and larvae production in experimental tanks showed an increase of about 90 percent for eggs, and 60 percent for larvae. In the last two years the percentage of harvested larvae in these tanks showed an increase of 7 percent to 12 percent for sown larvae and a decrease of 9 percent to 13 percent for eliminated larvae, mostly in tank 4.

Animais , Ovos , Linguados , Larva , Aquicultura , Pesqueiros
Int. j. morphol ; 30(4): 1551-1557, dic. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-670179


La tasa de mortalidad en las etapas embrionarias y larvales de los peces marinos se asocia al éxito de un cultivo y es necesario optimizar los procedimientos de este a nivel de desarrollo embrionario y primeros estadios larvales para una óptima supervivencia larval y una mejor producción de juveniles. Para evaluar el efecto de la temperatura en la supervivencia embrionaria y larvaria del turbot, los huevos fecundados de dos reproductores se trasladaron a estanques cónicos de incubación a tres diferentes temperaturas (12,5; 15,5 y 18,5C). Los huevos que se encontraban a temperaturas extremas (12,5 y 18,5C) tuvieron un menor desarrollo embriológico, con un porcentaje de mortalidad diaria significativamente mayor en los tres primeros días y al término de la incubación, especialmente durante la eclosión de los huevos (supervivencia del 10%), y sin variaciones al término del experimento, cuando las larvas tenían seis días de vida. La duración del desarrollo embrionario hasta la eclosión del huevo también estuvo determinada por la temperatura de incubación, con un mayor número de huevos eclosionados y cosechados a la temperatura de 15,5°C (supervivencia de un 20%). Las diferencias significativas en el desarrollo embriológico del turbot a tres diferentes temperaturas de incubación demuestran la importancia de este parámetro en la viabilidad del desarrollo embrionario y los primeros estadios larvales de P. maxima.

The mortality rate in embryonic and larval stages of marine fish is associated with the success of a culture, being necessary to optimize the procedures from this to the level of embryonic development and early larval stages for an optimal larval survival and better juvenile production. In order to evaluate temperature effect on embryonic and larval survival of Turbot, fertilized eggs of two reproductives were transferred to the conical incubation tanks at three different temperatures (12.5; 15.5 and 18.5C). The eggs that were at extreme temperatures (12.5 y 18.5C) had a minor embryonic development, with a daily mortality rate significantly higher in the first three days and at the end of incubation, especially during the egg eclosion (10% survival), and without variations at the end of the experiment, when larvae had six days of life. The duration of embryonic development up to the egg eclosion was also determined by incubation temperature, with a higher number of hatched eggs and harvested at the temperature of 15.5°C (20% survival). Significant differences in the embryonic development of Turbot at three different incubation temperatures indicate the importance of this parameter on the viability of embryonic development and early larval stages of P. maxima.

Animais , Temperatura , Linguados/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Larva/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Int. j. morphol ; 30(3): 902-907, Sept. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-665500


Se determina la influencia del aumento de la temperatura (17 a 20°C), la ración (2,5 por ciento a 3,5 por ciento del peso día) y la frecuencia de alimentación (4 a 6 veces día), en el crecimiento y la supervivencia de juveniles de turbot (Psetta maxima) en un sistema productivo comercial durante 35 días. Los resultados muestran que el crecimiento de los juveniles provenientes del nuevo protocolo de cultivo experimental ensayado es mayor y muestra una tasa específica de crecimiento, significativamente diferente respecto a los cultivados con el protocolo base, sin afectar la supervivencia, la que se mantiene en 99,8 por ciento. Se sugiere realizar mayores estudios para aislar o definir exactamente el efecto sinérgico de las variables definidas, así como complementar los resultados obtenidos con un estudio econométrico que evalúe su real aporte económico dentro de la cadena productiva del cultivo...

The influence of water temperature (17 and 20°C), frequency (4 and 6) and feed ration level (2.5 percent and 3.5 percent) on the growth and survival of juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima) in a commercial productive system was investigated over 35 days. The results indicate that fish from the experimental protocol exhibited better growth and significant difference in specific growth rate than those raised with basic protocol, without affecting survival that remains at 99.8 percent. It is suggested further studies to isolate or define exactly the synergistic effect of the variables defined and complement the results obtained with an econometric study which evaluate their real economic contribution within the productive chain of culture...

Animais , Dieta , Linguados/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pesqueiros/métodos , Temperatura , Chile , Sobrevida